Indulge Your Ride with Unmatched Excellence: Discover Our Exclusive Selection of Specialized Car Detailing Packages And Services!


How does VA Car Detailing operate in Gatineau and Ottawa?

VA Car Detailing offers convenient mobile services, providing top-notch car detailing right at your doorstep in Gatineau and Ottawa, all without any additional charges for house calls. You can contact us through our contact for or service request form or by reaching out through our social medias or email as shown at the very top of the page.

What services does VA Car Detailing offer?

VA Car Detailing specializes in comprehensive car detailing services, including interior cleaning, exterior polishing, paint protection, and paint correction, ensuring your vehicle looks its best inside and out.

How do I schedule an appointment with VA Car Detailing?

Scheduling an appointment with VA Car Detailing is easy and free! Simply give us a call or fill out our Service request form at the very bottom of our “Packages” page, and we’ll reach out to you within 48 hours arrange a convenient time to visit your location in Gatineau or Ottawa.

Is VA Car Detailing environmentally friendly?

Yes, VA Car Detailing is committed to using eco-friendly products and practices whenever possible. We strive to minimize our environmental impact while delivering exceptional results for your vehicle.

What sets VA Car Detailing apart from other detailing services?

It’s simple… We come to you charge FREE! We are commited to give quality service, convenience, and customer satisfaction. With our mobile services, expert technicians, and attention to detail, we ensure a hassle-free experience and exceptional results every time.



“Nisl massa, ultrices vitae ornare sit amet, ultricies eget orci. Sed vitae nulla et justo pellentesque congue nec eu risus.”

Igor Landry

Regular customer


“Nisl massa, ultrices vitae ornare sit amet, ultricies eget orci. Sed vitae nulla et justo pellentesque congue nec eu risus.”

Igor Landry

Regular customer


“Nisl massa, ultrices vitae ornare sit amet, ultricies eget orci. Sed vitae nulla et justo pellentesque congue nec eu risus.”

Igor Landry

Regular customer


“Nisl massa, ultrices vitae ornare sit amet, ultricies eget orci. Sed vitae nulla et justo pellentesque congue nec eu risus.”

Igor Landry

Regular customer